Friday, February 27, 2009

Why do people have to be like this?

I went out with a few friends tonight, to the pub just down the road. We found ourselves in the pizza shop later on, as you do. Once my mate had been served, we came out of the shop and were met with two older guys arguing, lets call one scumbag and one good guy. What was the argument about, I hear you ask? Because one of the good guy was gay, and the other didn't like it.

This scumbag was shouting abuse, and getting in the guys face, just because he was gay. Eventually at the end, someone else came out of the pizza shop and decided to break the argument up, so as he was walking away, scumbag decided to throw some change at good guy which missed. Here is where it escalated.
One of my friends, who had a little too much Dutch courage decided to mock him for missing. Not a good idea. I don't know how a fight didn't break out. Him and his friend were threatening to beat all of us up.

I know that this scumbag has hit someone else that I know for not wanting to buy drugs for him. He got a 150 pound fine.

Where the **** is the justice in that? You can go around in this country mindlessly assaulting people who do nothing wrong and you get a 150 pound fine, you get caught in possession of cannabis twice and you're sent to jail for 5 years. The 'justice' system is ****ed up beyond words. If there was any justice, scumbags like him would be in jail, where they can pick fights all they want with other scumbags.

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